
Last updated : 06/29/2024
Current version : 1.1
Compatible with : FF3us 1.0
Type : improvement

This hack repurposes the unused "repel Magitek" item flag in FF3usME to make it repel the Freeze status instead ($D85006 bit 3 in the item data). It also repurposes the "block Magitek" flag in the monster data for the same purpose ($CF0014 bit 3). Although you can't set Freeze on a monster in the original game, that option could be useful for a spell or a rage that set Freeze.

The bank $C2 hack uses free space at $C26480 and the EX hack uses some at $EEAF01. At most, antifreeze-XX-nh will use 59 bytes of free space and the character or monster only hacks use about half that amount. Those free space offsets can be changed in a ASM file by changing the offset of the seek macro call.

To assemble the hack use bass v14 by typing a command such as bass -o rom.smc antifreeze-C2.asm.



Last updated : 06/29/2024
Current version : 1.1
Compatible with : FF3us 1.0
Type : improvement

This hack repurposes the unused "repel Magitek" item flag in FF3usME to make it repel the Freeze status instead ($D85006 bit 3 in the item data). It also repurposes the "block Magitek" flag in the monster data for the same purpose ($CF0014 bit 3). Although you can't set Freeze on a monster in the original game, that option could be useful for a spell or a rage that set Freeze.

The bank $C2 hack uses free space at $C26480 and the EX hack uses some at $EEAF01. At most, antifreeze-XX-nh will use 59 bytes of free space and the character or monster only hacks use about half that amount. Those free space offsets can be changed in a ASM file by changing the offset of the seek macro call.

To assemble the hack use bass v14 by typing a command such as bass -o rom.smc antifreeze-C2.asm.
