Battle Formation event command

Last updated : 12/21/2016
Current version : 1.0
Compatible with : FF3us 1.0, FF3us 1.1
Type : improvement

This hack is inspired by the work of Shall on FF6-G (which ASM code is public) but his code has been adapted to FF3us and modified in order to behave exactly like command $4D and not like the original $C0A5A7 battle calling code, which resulted in weird behavior with the party position after a battle called with an event trigger.

This event command fill a gap in FF3us by letting you call a battle directly with a formation. Normally as an example command $4D will call a pack with ID between $100 and $1FF, which can be somehow limited for extensive hacks with a lot of battle called this way. The new command $69 behave in a identical way of command $4D, except of a pack number a formation ID is provided. The format is the following:

Battle with formation BBAA with battle background CC
CC AND $3F = Background ID, map default if CC equals $3F
CC AND $80 = Disable battle blur
CC AND $40 = No battle sound

For example, 69 22 01 12 will trigger a battle with formation $0122 with battle background $12 with battle blur and battle sound. 69 22 01 3F would use the map default background and 69 22 01 FF would use the default background with no battle blur and no battle sound. As always, you need to provide the good event context after battle in order to see this fully working (same for command $4D), for example:

69 22 01 12         ; Call battle
B2 A9 5E 00         ; Check for game over (subroutine $CA5EA9)
96                  ; Restore screen from fade
FE                  ; Return

Battle Formation event command

Last updated : 12/21/2016
Current version : 1.0
Compatible with : FF3us 1.0, FF3us 1.1
Type : improvement

This hack is inspired by the work of Shall on FF6-G (which ASM code is public) but his code has been adapted to FF3us and modified in order to behave exactly like command $4D and not like the original $C0A5A7 battle calling code, which resulted in weird behavior with the party position after a battle called with an event trigger.

This event command fill a gap in FF3us by letting you call a battle directly with a formation. Normally as an example command $4D will call a pack with ID between $100 and $1FF, which can be somehow limited for extensive hacks with a lot of battle called this way. The new command $69 behave in a identical way of command $4D, except of a pack number a formation ID is provided. The format is the following:

Battle with formation BBAA with battle background CC
CC AND $3F = Background ID, map default if CC equals $3F
CC AND $80 = Disable battle blur
CC AND $40 = No battle sound

For example, 69 22 01 12 will trigger a battle with formation $0122 with battle background $12 with battle blur and battle sound. 69 22 01 3F would use the map default background and 69 22 01 FF would use the default background with no battle blur and no battle sound. As always, you need to provide the good event context after battle in order to see this fully working (same for command $4D), for example:

69 22 01 12         ; Call battle
B2 A9 5E 00         ; Check for game over (subroutine $CA5EA9)
96                  ; Restore screen from fade
FE                  ; Return