Mastered esper icon

Last updated : 06/29/2024
Current version : 1.2
Compatible with : FF3us 1.0
Type : improvement

This hack adds a star icon to each mastered Esper in the Esper menu. An Esper is mastered when all its spells are learned. There's a version of the hack that draws a yellow star instead of the user's color (white by default). This yellow option was made possible with bits of BNW and BC randomizer code (thanks to Myria and Ryo). You can specify a different icon and disable star icon insertion in any of the assembly files.

The default hack uses 130 bytes of free space while the yellow option uses 179 bytes of free space at $EEAF01. This free space offsets can be changed in the bass asm file by changing the offset of the seek($EEAF01) macro call. The hacks use no free space in bank $C3.

To assemble the hack use bass v14 by typing a command such as bass -o rom.smc mastered.asm.


Mastered esper icon

Last updated : 06/29/2024
Current version : 1.2
Compatible with : FF3us 1.0
Type : improvement

This hack adds a star icon to each mastered Esper in the Esper menu. An Esper is mastered when all its spells are learned. There's a version of the hack that draws a yellow star instead of the user's color (white by default). This yellow option was made possible with bits of BNW and BC randomizer code (thanks to Myria and Ryo). You can specify a different icon and disable star icon insertion in any of the assembly files.

The default hack uses 130 bytes of free space while the yellow option uses 179 bytes of free space at $EEAF01. This free space offsets can be changed in the bass asm file by changing the offset of the seek($EEAF01) macro call. The hacks use no free space in bank $C3.

To assemble the hack use bass v14 by typing a command such as bass -o rom.smc mastered.asm.
