This page tracks the major updates of the website such as content addition and creation, from the most recent one to the oldest one.
Addition of a tutorial on how to import a new song in FFVI.
Updated the Antifreeze and Mastered Esper Icon hack to version 1.1 and 1.2 respectively.
Updated the SRAM expansion hack to version 2.0.
English translation of the blog entry Thirdteen years of romhacking.
FFVI romhacks page with hacks gallery created. The page features only two romhacks so far, but eventually all my FFVI romhacks will be present on it.
First blog article named Thirdteen years of romhacking uploaded. It available here only in French for now.
Initial launch of the website.
This page tracks the major updates of the website such as content addition and creation, from the most recent one to the oldest one.
Addition of a tutorial on how to import a new song in FFVI.
Updated the Antifreeze and Mastered Esper Icon hack to version 1.1 and 1.2 respectively.
Updated the SRAM expansion hack to version 2.0.
English translation of the blog entry Thirdteen years of romhacking.
FFVI romhacks page with hacks gallery created. The page features only two romhacks so far, but eventually all my FFVI romhacks will be present on it.
First blog article named Thirdteen years of romhacking uploaded. It available here only in French for now.
Initial launch of the website.